1.       The leader creates a community of shared values.

2.       Behavioural theories deal with behaviour of leaders.

3.       Leadership is strictly a people- centered work.

4.       The role of a leader is to get others to achieve an objective willingly.

5.       Leadership is the ability of influencing people to strive willingly for mutual objectives.

6.       A leader is full of new ideas and believes in experimenting and creating new things.

7.       leader has to be the one who can appropriately set the tempo.

8.       The most powerful tool in a leader’s toolbox is vision.

9.       Leaders make followers and the managers look for subordinates.

10.   Manager is the main control of the firm.

11.   There are three levels of management: top, middle and low level

12.   Loyal customers and employees from an integral part of Resources

13.   In the effective school, staff believes and demonstrates that all students can master the essential school Skills.

14.   The core ideas of Classical schools of management include application of science to practice of management.

15.   Max weber (1905) developed the seminal “bureaucracy” theory, a formalized and idealized view of organizations. It is based on 6 major principles:

16.   If anything goes wrong, then it will be the Leader who will ask the question in what and why as s/he has to answer the higher-ups.

17.   It is understanding what is needed, in terms of human and other resources, to achieve success and developing the plan to achieve it is known as Situation.

18.   Input are the resources from the environment

19.   Output is the product or service exported to the environment

20.   The process of converting resources within the system into product or service is throughout.

21.   Hierarchy of Need (Motivation) Theory was presented by Abraham Maslow in 1954.

22.   John Woodward argued that technology and production system were critical aspects of organizational design.

23.   Students must feel secure in their school community so that their energies can be applied to learning.

24.   Teachers at effective schools are aware of limited instruction time and create a syllabus with that in mind.

25.   Effective schools can be good schools and good schools can be effective schools-but two are not necessarily the same. (Carl Gickman, 1987)

26.   Fred Edward Fiedler (1967) argued that leadership effectiveness was dependent (contingent) upon two interacting factors, leadership style and situational favourableness.

27.   The principal can make a mission effective by being Persistent and energetic in sharing her vision with faculty.

28.   Neo Classical School of Management deals with Human Relations and Behavioural.

29.   Human Relation Theory comes under the domain of Neo Classical School of Management.

30.   Neo-classical school of management relates to people.

31.   In an effective school, the students & the staff are full of respect for each other.

32.   Resources consist of people, their skills, know-how and experience, machinery, raw materials, computers and IT, parents, financial capital and loyal customers and employees.

33.   The Neo-classical thought emerged in reaction against the Scientific Theory of Management, which stressed upon “Standardization” of jobs, processes and technologies to maximize economic yield.

34.   Behavioural theorists viewed employees ae individuals – resources and assets to be developed and worked with – not as machines, as in the past.

35.   According to Trait Theory, People are born with inherited traits.

36.   Modern school of management is about environment.

37.   Four Functions of Management 1. Planning 2. Organizing 3. Leading 4. Controlling

38.   Articulation and application of specific principles of management.

39.   The mangers at different levels are given specific functions which are properly coordinated.

40.   Early forms of management concepts have been applied throughout history in order to progress as a society.

41.   Leadership is a process by which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.

42.   The seminal “bureaucracy” theory, a formalized and idealized view of organizations is based on 6 major principles.

43.   About 40 years ago, Dr. Lezotte and his colleagues Ron Edmonds, Wilbur Brookover and other effective school researchers identified the common characteristics of successful schools-schools where all children learn.

44.   Brymen (1992) splits leadership research into four phases.

45.   Three major theories have emerged from a range of views on leadership. 1. Trait theories 2. Behavioural and 3. Contingency

46.   A measure of how efficiently and effectively managers use available resources is Organized Efficiency.

47.   An effective mission emphasizes innovation and improvement in providing learning for all

48.   Contingency Theories relate to leadership in the context of specific situations.

49.   He further states that leadership styles are based on: The specific management situation and the people the individual deals with most.

50.   Management: The function that coordinates the efforts of people to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively.

51.   According to Fayol, Managers need specific roles in order to manage work and workers.

52.   Fayol named 6 functions/roles of management. 1. Forecasting 2. Planning 3. Organizing 4. Commanding        5. Coordinating 6. Controlling (These roles evolved into 14 principles of management.)

53.   Productivity increases when workers believe that they are being observed closely.

54.   A leader should be Diplomatic and tactful.

55.   Dealing with complexity is the core of modern management theory.

56.   Behavioural School is mainly concerned with motivation of workers.

57.   Manager chooses inappropriate goals to pursue, but make good use of resources to achieve these goals high efficiency and high effectiveness.

58.   According to Burke and Cooper (2004) management is now based around knowledge workers.

59.   Human relation theory of management was presented by Elton Mayo.

60.   Trial and error decisions is a play-safe method before committing to anything.

61.   One Best way to organize all jobs in a business is a rule of Scientific Management

62.   Organization: A structure unit of people who work together and coordinate their actions to achieve a collective goal.

63.   Which option from the following is the set of research-based characteristics of a school’s climate associated with improved and better student learning? Correlates

64.   Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. This is called Process Leadership.

65.   In a focused school there is clearly articulated mission through which the staff share an understanding of and commitment to the instructional goals, priorities, assessment procedures and accountability.

66.   To be a leader, a person must have a deep-rooted commitment to the goal that he will strive to achieve it even if nobody follows him!

67.   In the effective school, the principal acts as an instructional leader and effectively and persistently communicates the mission to the staff, parents and the students

68.   According to Kotter for the success of organizations both are necessary: Leadership and management

69.   The classical management school was scientific, administrative and Bureaucratic.

70.   Conceptual Skills: The ability to analyse and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect.

1.       According to Benjamin Franklin, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail.

2.       Contingency theory views leadership as being more flexible.

3.       Mediocre organizations never sustain the breakthrough momentum.

4.       Task oriented leadership puts structures in place, plans, organizes and monitors.

5.       Task oriented leadership focuses exclusively on getting the job done.

6.       Researchers therefore turned to examine how leadership is affected as the situation varies

7.       Kurt Lewin and his co researchers conducted the first major study of leadership styles in 1939.

8.       A leadership style is a leader’s style of providing direction, implementing plans and motivating people.

9.       Hay Mcber (1999) advises that leadership styles are the ways in which the leader: listens, sets goals and standards, develops action plans, directs others and gives feedback.

10.   Laissez-faire or lais-ser faire is a French word and stands for non-interference in the affairs of the others.

11.   In Laissez-fair style, the leader allows free reign to the employees and let them make decisions.

12.   Laissez-fair style is not ideal in situations where group members lack the knowledge or the experience, they need to complete tasks and make decisions.

13.   In Autocratic style the leader does not take the advice of his employees.

14.   The autocratic leader uses this style when s/he directly states the decision without asking the team members.

15.   Autocratic leaders Make unilateral decisions.

16.   Autocratic leaders Can create demotivation and alienation of staff.

17.   Autocratic (Authoritarian Leadership) is a leader who is bossy and uses fear and threats to get the jobs done.

18.   An autocratic leader uses this because there is not enough time and the members ran out of ideas.

19.   Transformational leader envisions a compelling future (Vision).

20.   Transformational Leader enables inspired action through teams (Collaboration)

21.   A democratic leader is Consultative.

22.   Democratic Leader involves the groups in decision making.

23.   Laissez-faire leaders give the group complete freedom.

24.   In Bureaucratic Leadership, Leaders follow rules rigorously and ensure that their people follow procedures preciously.

25.   A democratic leader helps improve motivation and involvement.

26.   In Democratic (Participative Leadership) a leader is not expected to know everything and this is why you employ knowledgeable and skilled people.

27.   Democratic (Participative) leadership improves the sharing of experiences and ideas within the business.

28.   Democratic (Participative) leadership Style is used when there is enough time.

29.   The new leadership approach includes charismatic and Transformational leadership.

30.   Transformational leadership may be a personality trait rather than behavior that can be developed.

31.   Paternalistic leadership is rooted in a leadership method that comprises strict discipline and authority.

32.   Paternalistic leader has high concern for production, use of rewards for compliance and loyalty.

33.   Transactional leadership Focuses on the basic management process of controlling, organizing and short-term planning.

34.   Transactional leader works through creating well-defined structures and makes it clear as to what is required of their subordinates.

35.   Transactional leadership is based on the premise that people are motivated by reward and punishment.

36.   Social systems work best with a clear chain of command in transactional leadership Style.

37.   Transactional leaders ensure followers loyalty through rewards.

38.   Burns (1978) was the first who identifies the transformational leadership.

39.   James MacGregor Burns (1978) identified the transformational leadership style.

40.   The concept of transformational leadership was introduced by Burns in 1978.

41.   Transformational leadership is needed in educational institution on which a moral foundation of legitimate values must rest (BASS, 1999)

42.   Transformational Leadership style is focused on effecting revolutionary change in organizations through a commitment to the organization’s vision.

43.   Transformational leadership helps in setting clear and adequately high-performance standards for schools and teachers and exercises to avoid too much of memorization.

44.   The most prominent of these and the one used most often is Bass’ theory of transformational and transactional leadership. (Yukl, 1999)

45.   Transformational leadership empowers Professional development.

46.   Transformational leadership style sets SMART goals for everyone.

47.   A Transformational leader can build trust with people by being open and honest in the interactions.

48.   Transformational leadership style constantly sells the vision and build a strong network of high potential.

49.   In transformational decision making the decision reflects on the common good but not the individual good.

50.   Transformational leaders realize that nothing significant happens unless they Encourage their people.

51.   A transformational leader transcends his own interests for the good of the company.

52.   Multiple objectives can be achieved through transformational leadership.

53.   A skilled team is created when people are helped to their own solutions and their self-confidence

54.   A skilled team is created when people are helped by letting them find their own solutions.

55.   To prompt Idealized influence, Transformational leader has to act as strong role model.

56.   To motivate employees, Transformational leadership appeals to the employees self-interest.

57.   Bass (1985) identified transformational leadership as motivating followers by appealing to their self- interest.

58.   Human resource development is an essential part of business acumen of a transformational leader.

59.   Inspirational motivation can be achieved by transformational leaders by Communicating high expectation.

60.   Burns argues that leaders should strive for a transformational leadership only.

61.   Bass argues that leaders can and should be both transactional and transformational and that a combination of these two is the most successful kind.

62.   In order to become more productive a leader uses a delegative style with a worker who knows more about the job than the leader.

63.   Charismatic leader is self-confident and can attract followers by his great influence.

64.   Charismatic Leader gather follower through strength of personality and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority.

65.   The first step in the process of Transformational Leadership is Development of the Vision.

66.   The leader knows the problem, but does not have all the information, uses a participative style with a team of workers who know their jobs.

67.   According to behavioral theory every person is equally likely to be a good leader with proper training.

68.   The paradox relates with holding the combination of complementary in level 5 leader.

69.   He further states that leadership styles are based on the specific management situation and the people the individuals deal with most.

70.   A commitment to the vision of the organization is the critical feature of transformational leadership for bringing revolutionary change in the organization.

71.   Level 5 leadership is a necessary element for taking an organization from good to great – but it’s not the only one.

72.   Level 5 leadership is not the only element for taking an organization from good to great.

73.   Level 5 leaders are keen on developing a successor with similar characteristics as theirs to ensure that company progresses even after they are gone.

74.   The concept of Level 5 leadership was proposed by Jim Collins in 2005.

75.   A Level 5 leader is modest and willful, shy and fearless.

76.   Level 5 leaders have ambition not for themselves but for their organizations.

77.   Good to great leaders confront the most brutal facts of their current reality, with absolute faith that they will prevail in the end.

78.   Trait theory and behaviourism are two similar approaches to questions about effective leadership. They both see leadership as an objective set of qualities or actions that must be mastered.

79.   The leader’s ability to lead is contingent upon various situational factors, including the leader’s preferred style, the capabilities and behaviours of followers and also various others situational factors

80.   Becoming a leader, according to the behaviourist school of thought, is just a matter of proper training, while trait

81.   theory holds that a leader must have certain inherent, innate qualities.

82.   Cognitive Biases: The individual’s thinking patterns based on his/ her observations and conclusions that may sometimes lead to false assumptions, wrong judgments, and faulty reasoning

83.   Goal is a specific result to be achieved; the end result of a plan.

84.   Specific results toward which effort is directed is called Objectives.

85.   Planning is the process of setting goals and courses of action, developing rules and procedures, and forecasting future outcomes.

86.   Actions is the means, or specific activities, that are planned to achieve the objectives.

87.   There are three levels of plans. – Strategic – Tactical – Operational

88.   Strategic plans are only made by top managers.

89.   The plans that directly support the implementation of strategic plans are called tactical plans.

90.   The plans that includes day to day activities of the organization are called Operational plans.

91.   Alternative courses of action to be followed in the event of unexpected environmental shifts, comes under Contingency Plans.

92.   Succession Planning: They want to see their organizations become even more successful in the next generation

93.   Task oriented leadership can be quite autocratic.

94.   People oriented Leadership (Opposite of task oriented) focuses on organizing, supporting and developing the people and participative-leads to team work and creative collaboration. It can lead to failure if taken to extreme.

95.   The main similarity is that both (Trait and Behaviour Theory) approaches emphasize that there are identifiable actions that any leader must be capable of doing in any given situation.

96.   Behaviourism is a “trait” in the sense that it, too, holds that leaders must show certain common personality makers or habits of mind.

97.   The behavioural management theory is also known as the human relations movement

98.   The leadership level immediately below the level 5 leadership is called effective leader and works towards reinforcing follower’s commitment to a compelling vision.

99.   A family that is weak willed and known for letting people take advantage of them will develop the habits of assertiveness  

100.           The effective school allocates and protects a significant amount of time for instruction of the essential curricular areas.

101.           The Y-axis of leadership style matrix defines the programmability of the task.

102.           The focus is gradually shifting from individual learning to organizational learning.

103.           A vision is of no use on its own: it needs to become reality.

104.           Processing Phase: determine alternatives & evaluate for best option.

105.           People who make good learners have the right or sufficient combination of traits.

106.           Experimental Decisions involves certainty and assurance of the initial results before a final decision is made.

107.           The fox knows a little about many things.

108.           Group decisions are also known as consensus.

109.           Make the Decision is a critical step-in decision-making process.

110.           Objectives have: specific purposes

111.           Vision is one of the necessary requirements for effective leadership.

112.           According to the Great Man Theory - Leaders are born and not made.

113.           An organization combines functional and divisional chains of command in a grid so that there are two command structures—vertical and horizontal – used for projects. Tilts is Matrix organizational structure.

114.           Henry Gantt (1910-1915)- Project Scheduling - The Gantt Chart - An apprentice and associate of Frederick Taylor, he designed a project scheduling model for increasing the efficiency of project execution and completion.

115.           Situational theory tends to focus more on the behaviours that the leader should adapt, given situational factors (often about follower behaviour).

116.           Being a provocateur is a leadership attribute which is mostly in disagreement.

117.           The factor which is affected by some other factors is known as dependent variable

118.           The factor which is not affected by some other factors is known as Independent variable

119.           Delivery of vision demands management by Walking around.

120.           System Management Theory is the Transforming inputs into outputs and receiving feedback.

121.           Kotter (1990), claims that leadership is different from management.



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1.      Command group is a type of Formal group.
2.      A group voluntarily or spontaneously formed by its members rather than by the organization is called informal group.
3.      The group formed by an organization to accomplish narrow range of purposes within a specified time are Task group.
4.      The manager's primary tool for determining whether instructions have been understood and accepted is Feedback.
5.      Social gathering and small group networks are examples of informal communication channels.
6.      There are three types of organizational control. 1. Feed-forward 2. Concurrent 3. Feedback.
7.      There are two ways of Comparing Results with Objectives and Standards. Historical/relative and benchmarking.
8.      Managers need to measure progress, offer feedback and direct their teams to succeed.
9.      Group member roles and responsibilities are clearly established during the norming stage.
10.  Selfishness in a manager such as using power gain, is often associated with immoral managers.
11.  Expert power is closely related to a climate of trust.
12.  Coercive power may lead to temporary compliance by subordinates.
13.  When a bank robber points a gun at a bank employee, his base of power is coercive.
14.  In adjourning group has completed its work.
15.  Reward works for excellent performance through opportunities.
16.  Input Standards measure work efforts that go into a performance task (e.g.training)
17.  Jeffery inspires leaders to seek power through evidence-based management.
18.  While managing political behaviors in organization, the manager requires discouraging self interest.
19.  The main component of the communication model includes all of the following except premack principle.
20.  The power that originates from a right by virtue of organizational hierarchy is which of the following: position.
21.  Budgeting is more of a bargaining game to acquire additional funding and less of a planning tool
22.  Monetary rewards include increase in pay, profit sharing, bonuses, staff discounts, company shares, etc.
23.  Regulatory process that directs the activities of an organization to achieve anticipated goals and standards is called Management Control.
24.  Motivation is the drives within a person that account for the degree, direction and persistence of the effort spent at work
25.  A threatened strike action by a labour union to force the management to accept their demands is an example of Coercive power.
26.  Of the following, which is a purpose not served by communication in organizations’? All of the above are purposes served by communication.
27.  Organizational behavior is the study of factors which profoundly affect how people and groups act, think, feel, and respond to work and organizations.
28.  Mr.Danish has a job which pays an excellent salary. He has a good relationship with his peers and his supervisors. He also likes the fact that the company policy fits well with what he personally believes, and that he has received considerable recognition for his achievements at the company. Which of these factors is 'MOST likely' responsible for the fact that Danish loves his job? Recognition for his achievements




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