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 Download Quiz No-01

1.       The meaning of Philosophy is love for wisdom.

2.       Metaphysics is the study of reality.

3.       Axiology is the study of values. Values in terms of society, politics and aesthetics.

4.       Epistemology is the study of knowledge.

5.       Epistemology is the area of philosophy that investigates the nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge.

6.       Lecture method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of Idealism.

7.       Project method of teaching is an outstanding contribution of Pragmatism.

8.       Which of the following is not the metaphysical philosophy? Perennialism

9.       Truth is the approximation of thought to reality.

10.   By experimentation truth can be tested in pragmatism.

11.   According pragmatics truth is practical.

12.   Idealism deals with ideas.

13.   Plato believed that all source of knowledge is Ideas.

14.   Plato was an Idealist.

15.   Plato was one of the students of Socrates.

16.   Who were the three famous Greek philosophers? Socrates, Plato, Aristotle

17.   Socrates and his students lived most of the time in Athens

18.   Socrates believed education takes place everywhere at all times.

19.   For Socrates the soul is harmed by lack of knowledge.

20.   The idea that “virtue is knowledge” is attributed to Socrate

21.   Socrates was the famous philosopher of Greek philosophy.

22.   Socrates believed that the root of moral evil is ignorance.

23.   Socrates wants to educate both men and women.

24.   According to Socrates, Imagination is the lowest grade of cognitive activity?

25.   In ancient Greece, Socrates argued that education was about drawing out what is inside the man.

26.   Socrates believed that knowledge is the same thing as Virtue or excellence and is always good.

27.   A question-and-answer dialogue in which propositions are methodically scrutinized uncover the truth is known as the Socrates method

28.   The dialectic method is also called the Socratic method.

29.   Dialectic method of inquiry was contributed by Socrates.

30.   The main objective of dialectic method is to make decisions based on knowledge.

31.   Plato teachings method are Dialectic and Didactic.

32.   According to Plato, Both the didactic & dialectic methods are necessary for teaching.

33.   Basic knowledge is not included in dialectic method.

34.   The dialectic method crosses the divide line between matter and Idea.

35.   Trying to understand human nature is the study of what makes us human.

36.   According to Socrates, the ultimate knowledge is: One should learn best way to live life.

37.   The famous statement “The unexamined life is not worth living for a human being.” is attributed to Socrates.

38.   According to Socrates, with true knowledge comes virtue (because through virtue you can live your life in the best possible manner.)

39.   Plato defines the stages of curriculum according to age and types: Elementary, Military, Higher education

40.   Plato's allegory of the cave can be seen as a metaphor for the search for the true and the good through philosophy.

41.   Which of the following aspects is not true of curriculums suggested by Plato? teacher centered

42.   Plato’s aim in the republic is to define justice and to prove that it is worthwhile to pursue its own sake.

43.   According to Plato, teaching methodology also involves certain technicalities and specific elements? Storytelling and literature (moral lessons and characters of the stories)

44.   There are two types of obedience according to Emmanuel Kant: Absolute Obedience and Voluntary Obedience

45.   Absolute Obedience (Obedience without question) is necessary to prepare the child for the fulfilment of laws that he will have to obey later, as a citizen, even though he may not like them.

46.   Voluntary Obedience is Obeying what feels good and reasonable and moral.

47.   Emanuel Kant was a German Philosopher.

48.   Law of necessity was presented by Emanuel Kant.

49.   Kant encourages duty and discourages emotional decisions.

50.   There were Two school of thoughts at Kant time.

51.   Emanuel Kant claims that the moral law is given to each person by one’s own will.

52.   The biggest moral paradox in Emanuel Kant’s philosophy was that of moral autonomy.

53.   Children must be subject to the law of necessity. This statement advocated by Emanuel Kant.

54.   Kant claims that the natural purpose of reason is to produce a good will.

55.   According to Emanuel Kant, moral laws are: necessary and apply to all rational beings

56.   According to Emanuel Kant, the supreme principle of morality is synthetic and a priori.

57.   According to Emanuel Kant, the basis of morality is the concept of Freedom.

58.   According to Emanuel Kant, Moralization is a way of achieving Kantian Enlightenment.

59.   According to Emanuel Kant, the moral worth of an action depends on the maxim that is acted on.

60.   According to Kant’s approach to moral philosophy, ethics is based on practical reason.

61.   According to Kant, “Morality requires us to act only on maxims that we can will to become universal laws.

62.   According to Emanuel Kant, Moral education is essential for character development.

63.   According to Emanuel Kant, “Moral training is necessary to rid man of evil.”

64.   According to Emanuel Kant, Train people to treat each person as an end and never as a mere means.

65.   According to Emanuel Kant, “The moralization of humanity to be the highest aim of all education.”

66.   According to Emanuel Kant, “We must form in children the character of a child, and not the character of a citizen.”

67.   According to Emanuel Kant, Humans are the only beings in need of an education.

68.   According to Emanuel Kant, Character formation should begin at a younger age.

69.   According to Emanuel Kant, “Character development should be based on the ‘categorical imperatives’ or the maxims.”

70.   According to Emanuel Kant, “Act in such a way that the maxims of your will may at all times also serve as the principle of a general law.”

71.   According to Emanuel Kant, “The absolute duty of man at all times is to subscribe to the cause of peace for which moral training is essential.”

72.   According to Emanuel Kant, “Formulated the basic principle of the moral relationship of individual human beings with themselves and with their fellow men.”

73.   According to Emanuel Kant, “Children ought to be educated, not for the present, but for a possible improved condition of man in the future.”

74.   Immanuel Kant was influenced by the works of Rousseau who had ‘put him on the right track’

75.   “Children ought to be educated, not for the present, but for a possibly improved condition of man in the future; that is, in a manner which is adopted to the idea of humanity and the whole destiny of man.” Kant – Thoughts on Education by Emanuel Kant

76.   According to John Dewey, Freedom requires personal discipline.

77.   According to John Dewey, Future is not an adequate motivator for children.

78.   According to John Dewey, Education is a fostering, nurturing & nourishing process.

79.   According to John Dewey, Immaturity is the primary condition of growth.

80.   John Dewey studied philosophy at John Hopkins University.

81.   John Dewey was an instructor in University of Michigan.

82.   John Dewey dissertation was based on Kantian psychology.

83.   John Dewey believed that inquiry was the best way to render human experience intelligent.

84.   John Dewey believed that education is a necessity of life, and without it one’s life would be miserable.

85.   John Dewey implemented the pragmatism theory in educational institutes.

86.   Experimentalism became an important part of Dewey’s pedagogical philosophy.

87.   Between the ages 35-50, people would philosophies and would go up to the level of a philosopher king

88.   ‘Doctrine’ here means teaching and ‘reminiscence’ means the art of recalling the past experiences.

89.   Reminiscence means recalling past.

90.   A complex civilization must be broken down into portions in a gradual and graded way.

91.   The most permanent & influential modes of control are those which operate from moment to moment continuously without deliberate intention.

92.   Cultivation of dynamic, adaptable mind which will be resourceful and enterprising in all situations is the goal of education according to Idealism.

93.   Ethical Egoism theories would agree that serving one's own self-interest is the only moral duty.

94.   Utilitarianism ethical theories would agree that the consequences of an action make it right or wrong.





Download Quiz No-02 

1.       In 2B stage rote learning is from of learning.

2.       Man is a naturally good creature, is saying by Church & State

3.       Laws of a person’s nature must be discovered through investigation.

4.       Paideia Proposal was an Educational Manifesto signed in 1982.

5.       In which year Adler participated in Socratic discussion group? 1921

6.       According pragmatics reality is constantly changing.

7.       What the child learns fast from nature? Goodness

8.       What is important to develop the intrinsic judgment and emotions in a person? Psychology

9.       Growth is the foremost outcome of Education, and then comes development, or sustained growth.

10.   Activity increases our Strength and passion

11.   Knowledge comes from the senses

12.   The first & fundamental meaning of nature is the social one.

13.   How school system can be changed eventually by? Humanistic teaching approach

14.   Material knowledge is Not considered in dialectic method.

15.   The dialectic method originates from Socrates teaching style.

16.   What did Plato do in order to start his own school? Plato wrote down what Socrates has thought him

17.   The unconscious influence of the environment affects every character & mind

18.   Which mode plays an important role in transmittal of education to the youth? Environment

19.   Dewey believed never to educate directly, but indirectly by means of the environment.

20.   According to John Dewey, Environment stimulates a person towards a goal.

21.   According to John Dewey, Immaturity is the potential rather than the capacity to grow.

22.   According to John Dewey, Direction can be both successive and simultaneous.

23.   John Dewey was a huge proponent of Democracy.

24.   Plato was Aristotle’s master.

25.   Oregnon is the book of Aristotle.

26.   Who was the famous philosopher that came after Aristotle? There was none

27.   Aristotle was the first philosopher to formulate logic for teaching procedures.

28.   Aristotle ends the Ethics with a segue to a discussion of politics.

29.   In Aristotle’s view, the virtues are acquired through habit.

30.   School founded by Aristotle is known as Lyceum.

31.   Lyceum, unlike the Academy (Plato) was open to general public & offered free lectures.

32.   Aristotle was the philosopher who came after the famous Plato or was one of the students of Plato.

33.   Aristotle claims that virtue is in our power, and so is vice.

34.   Aristotle divides the virtues into moral virtues and intellectual virtues.

35.   According to Aristotle, knowledge is an intellectual virtue.

36.   According to Aristotle, Education teaches virtue & promotes wisdom.

37.   According to Aristotle, happiness is an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.

38.   According to Aristotle, “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing”

39.   According to Aristotle, Learning is about disciplined inquiry into some aspect of reality.

40.   According to Aristotle, “Health is of utmost importance.”

41.   According to Aristotle, we should begin ethical inquiry by specifying: the aim of human life

42.   In Aristotle’s terminology, incontinence is when one knows that one’s actions are wrong, but does them anyway.

43.   Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is: nearly everyone agrees that it is happiness.

44.   Rousseau was born in Geneva.

45.   Rousseau was born in 1712 and died in 1778.

46.   According to Rousseau, “Child is good by nature.”

47.   What is the ultimate aim of Rousseau Emile's? Goodness

48.   Emile’ one of the greatest works on developmental psychology by Rousseau.

49.   Which is not a part of Rousseau curriculum stage 3? Mathematics

50.   In Emile’, Rousseau has divided Emile’s education into four stages; Infancy, Childhood, Boyhood and Youth

51.   Aristotelian education may be divided into three periods: First 7 years, 7 to 21, 21 onwards

52.   Rousseau wanted the educators to ‘go back to nature’, or to ‘follow the nature’.

53.   Rousseau was in favor of Women Education.

54.   According to Rousseau what things made the individual free? The social institution

55.   Which Rousseau curriculum objective is not related to stage 3? Self-ward(- Implant a taste for knowledge - Think clearly - Furnish the right method (these are related))

56.   Rousseau maintains that child must not be allowed to develop habits born of social interactions, rather instinct and emotions must be adhered to.

57.   The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge.

58.   Deductive Reasoning is a thinking process in which you proceed from general to specific statements using prescribed rules of logic.

59.   What are the primary sources of education? All of these or overall environment (man, nature, things)

60.   Primary Sources of Education: -Education from nature - Education given by men - Education from things or circumstances

61.   Development or sustainable growth is the ability of an individual to retain or maintain growth that education brings about in the set direction.





Download Quiz No-03


1.       Essentialism is a content centered educational approach.

2.       Essentialism is considered a teacher-centered philosophy.

3.       Essentialist recognizes the importance of specializations.

4.       The essentialist curriculum is heavily dependent on the teacher.

5.       The “back-to-basics” movement is most associated with Essentialism.

6.       The essentialist curriculum is not designed in order to prepare students for citizenship or work.

7.       Essentialism is used to maintain status quo rather than foster social change.

8.       Essentialism educational philosophy comes under the umbrella of traditional philosophies of Idealism and Realism.

9.       Perennialism is Conservative and inflexible educational philosophy.

10.   Perennialism focuses on Everlasting principles.

11.   The role of the teacher in a perennialist classroom is as a tutor.

12.   For Perennialists, the aim of education is to ensure that students acquire understandings about the great ideas of Western civilization.

13.   Since people are people first and workers later, one must teach liberal subjects first and vocational subjects later is the essence of Perennialism Philosophy.

14.   Progressivists tend to ‘live in the present’, rather than the ‘dead past’.

15.   Progressivists believe that education should focus on the whole child, rather than on the content or the teacher.

16.   Progressivists believe that teaching subjects in a strictly formal way without an inclusion of activities was harmful for education.

17.   According to progressivists, students learn best from what they consider most relevant to their lives.

18.   In the existentialist classroom, the curriculum is chosen by the students for self-directed learning.

19.   Progressivism has given to education six basic principles on which it operates.

20.   The phenomenon of engaging learners in problem solving and social tasks is the intellectual focus of Progressivism and Reconstructionism philosophies.

21.   Karl Jaspers only allows the very best to become a part of the university.

22.   Jaspers has given importance to research in teaching.

23.   Karl Jaspers saw the possibility of the university playing a role in Reconstruction of Human Society

24.   Karl Jaspers said; Even if a particular kind of knowledge is universally valid, it is not absolutely objective.

25.   Critics have objected to Jaspers conception of a university to be too aristocratic.

26.   Idea of the University was given by Karl Jasper in a book; which was published in 1946.

27.   Idea of the University was one of the most influential works given to us by Karl Jaspers. It was a book which was published in 1946.

28.   Democracy is not the objective of university education according to Jaspers.

29.   Objective knowledge is not true about the nature of knowledge that Jaspers want to give to students.

30.   Jaspers showed a discontent with the function of modern university which he believed were limited to: Research, Training, Professional Education, and Transmission of Particular kind of Culture.

31.   Jaspers believed that education is maieutic, Maieutic method Aims at bringing a person's latent ideas into clear consciousness.

32.   Critics disapproved of Jaspers’ belief that teaching & research are inseparable and a good teacher must be a good researcher as well.

33.   Knowledge cannot be completely objective; it cannot be universally valid; hence Jaspers definition of universal validity relies upon universal consensus.

34.   Jaspers analyzed the relationship between science and philosophy, as he believed both to be an integral part of education.

35.   Jaspers believed that seeking knowledge and truth meant something more than just maintaining a community of scholars and students.

36.   Bagley has been criticized for ignoring the importance of the student in the learning process and awarding all power to the teacher.

37.   Bagley proposed introduction of discipline and duty in education, which would eventually develop a child’s interest in the particular field.

38.   Bagley promoted the pass or fail approach to promoting students to the next educational level.

39.   Bagley believed that every classroom must have three main components which are subsequently discussed.

40.   Piaget described to test children's abilities.

41.   Critics maintain that the tasks Piaget described to test children's abilities were overly difficult.

42.   Stages of development constructed by Piaget are representative of Western society and culture.

43.   Critics point out that Bloom discussed all major social and political issues in the lives of students of his time except Gay rights.

44.   Chomsky criticized Blooms emphasis on a Great Books curriculum.

45.   Informal learning should be considered supplementary rather than central.

46.   Among individuals, as among nations, true freedom is always a conquest, never a gift.

47.   The latter freedom occurs when the child is initially subjected to slavery to essential subjects.

48.   Researchers found that children often learn more advanced concepts with brief instruction.

49.   Epistemological frame of philosophy focuses on nature of Knowledge.

50.   Investigation, invention, and creative art add to our heritage.

51.   Responsibility, with its corrective duty of discipline, is distinctly a product of civilization.

52.   When a child is introduced to a new phenomenon, she/he tries to understand it by assimilating it, or associating it with things that she/he already knows is called Assimilation.

53.   Accommodation implies that children should be introduced to new experiences that are related to experiences they have already had but that also challenge their thinking in some way.

54.   Scientific knowledge is absolutely Certain, i.e. it stands the test of any reasoning; it must be distinguished from the convictions by which man may live and be prepared to risk his life.

55.   Those who separate teaching and research tend to view all teaching as the transmission of basic information about a subject matter; thus, teaching becomes equated here wholly with scholastic instruction.

56.   Scientific knowledge is Methodological knowledge i.e. we know by what means it was arrived at and in what sense and within what limits it holds good.





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